Sunday, February 21, 2016

San Val is Gone....So Ebay It Is!

Since I left the hobby for several years, my go to source for anything G Scale, succumbed to the recession of 2008 and closed it's doors. I was saddened to find this out especially since it was a great source, the prices were fair and it was close to home.

I picked up a copy of Garden Railways magazine only to find several suppliers were out of business as well. So I turned to Ebay....I know, many of you have had bad experiences there, but I have seemed to do Ok.

I picked up a Piko Mogul, Aristo FA-1, for well below what they were selling for on Ebay...lucky I guess. I picked up a few pieces of rolling stock, all were in great shape except for the caboose and I should have known something was up when they only posted pictures of it in the box.

I am still looking for a few other pieces, but for some reason, tank cars and flat cars seem to go for much more than anything else. I will keep looking as there are bargains to be found.

Going through my boxes the other day, I came across a plain brown box that I had forgotten about. It is a box car that San Val trains had custom made in 1998. As I remember, I paid about $59 for it then and it was a limited run, 50 or 100....I cant remember. I put it out on the rails today and took a few laps around the wife would never let me run it when the kids were little.

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